Latest Court News
Updated January 9th, 2025
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Survey Submissions are ANONYMOUS
Your survey results are sent to the District Court Administrator Joni Wilson.​
18th Judicial District Court Mission Statement:
Providing Fair and Just Service in a Timely and Courteous Manner.​
Thank you for your time

Filing a petition for protection is now easily accessible from your computer or phone.
Please click here to access the KS POP (Protection Order Portal) for helpful information, resources, and a clear path. You can complete the forms from anywhere and on any device. It is also free. When you click submit, your forms are sent to the court clerk.
For help filling out the forms on-line, please call (316) 660-5290
Walk-In Traffic Court
Walk-in Traffic Court is located on the first floor of the Sedgwick County Courthouse.
The hours are from 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m, Monday - Friday (excluding holidays), and
in the afternoon from 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ONLY
Marriage License Applications
To apply for a marriage license online, please follow this link.
Kids First Workshop
The Kids First Workshop is open for scheduling.
Click here for more information.
Please contact the clerks office by calling (316) 660-5727; or by emailing sg.kidsfirst@kscourts.org to schedule your class.
Limited Civil Cases
The CV LM Defendant Information Sheet is available here. You can complete and submit the form on-line BEFORE your scheduled court date in lieu of appearing in person. This is for NON-EVICTION cases only.
"As Chief Judge, let me welcome you to the 18th Judicial District. Consistent with our mission statement, our goal is to provide you with fair and just services in a courteous and timely manner."
~ Chief Judge Jeffrey Goering
Welcome to the 18th Judicial District Court Website. This website was developed to assist you in locating answers to questions you may have about our court. We are hopeful that you will find the information you are searching for.
The website contains the latest court news and any new information that may be beneficial to the public.
Our mission is to provide fair and just services in a courteous and timely manner.
Our core values are accountability, equality, good stewards of public funds, integrity, investment, respect and teamwork.
Thank you for visiting our website.
Joni Wilson
18th Judicial District Court Administrator