Attorney Information

Registration (Please complete by January 15th, each year):
To register as an attorney of Sedgwick County, Kansas, fill out the registration form and return it to the address below along with the registration fee. The registration fee amount is fixed by the board of trustees.
2024 Registration Form - 11/08/2023
2025 Registration Form - 11/07/2024
525 N MAIN, 11th FLOOR
Appointed Counsel:
To create a reimbursement request, follow this link and fill out the appropriate form. To request the password, e-mail Joni Wilson at joni.wilson@kscourts.org.
Latest Court News
18th Judicial District - Guide to the Court Process of Juvenile Offender Cases 07/03/2013
Wallet accounts for payment by check
You may now set up wallet accounts for payment by echeck. Payment by credit card is also an option.
Notice of Electronic Filing
One area of concern for attorneys is the notice of electronic filing (NEF) in Track 1 courts.
If an NEF is dated before July 30, the link to the filing no longer works. The reason is that the filing was moved to the new centralized case management system, and the link to it is severed. These filings are accessible through the case history page in the electronic filing program.
Cases on hold
Nearly all of the reasons that caused cases to be put "on hold" are now resolved.
More than 7,300 documents have been electronically filed in Track 1 courts since transitioning to the new centralized case management system. About 20 cases are currently on hold and we are working to resolve these as quickly as possible.
The reasons cases are on hold are unrelated to any action or inaction of the efiler. We are working through this issue with the centralized case management system vendor.
Following new rules
New and amended rules are in effect in conjunction with our move to the centralized case management system:
Supreme Court Rules 20-24: Kansas eCourt Rules (adopted June 14, 2019)
These rules apply only in courts that are using the new centralized case management system. Rule 20(d). Beginning August 5, 2019, the Kansas eCourt Rules apply to filings submitted in the 8th and 21st Judicial Districts, which are composed of Riley, Clay, Morris, Geary, Dickinson, and Marion counties.
Electronic filers have asked how to comply with Rule 24(b) and also provide information required in pleadings. For example, Rule 24(b)(10) lists "the physical address of an individual's residence" as personally identifiable information. Rule 24(c) lists six exceptions when information is not considered personally identifiable information. An electronic filer should analyze whether an exception applies that allows information―such as a residential address―to be included in a document efiled under the Kansas eCourt Rules.
Electronic filings in districts other than the 8th and 21st Judicial Districts must comply with the privacy policy regarding personal identifiers as set out in Supreme Court Rule 123.
Supreme Court Rule 111: Form of Pleadings and Other Documents (amended June 14, 2019)
This amended rule applies to all filings in all courts. It defines the format for pleadings and other documents.
Brought to you by:
State of Kansas
Office of Judicial Administration
Kansas Judicial Center
301 SW 10th Avenue
Topeka, KS 66612-1507